A középiskolások tudásának megfelelő volt az idei középszintű angolérettségi az eduline-nak nyilatkozó nyelvtanárok szerint. Itt találjátok a feladatsort, valamint - a hallott szöveg értelmezése kivételével - a nem hivatalos megoldásokat. A megoldásokat az Euroexam Nyelvvizsga Központ biztosította.
Az emelt szintű feladatsort és a megoldásokat pedig innen tölthetitek le.
Itt megoldásokat sajnos nem tudunk adni, mivel a hanganyagot nem kaptuk meg. A feladatlapokat viszont meg tudjátok nézni.
Dear Mr Spencer,
I am an eighteen year old student from Hungary. From September I will be spending a year in Cheshire as an au-pair and I am interested in your courses.
Since the age of eight I have been learning the piano, and I would like to continue my lessons during my stay in England. At present I am at Grade VII level.
I would be grateful if you could tell me where you are in Cheshire, whether you teach piano at this level and whether you provide tuition in the evenings.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Vera Nagy
Hello Lisa,
Thanks for your email. I know that you are worried about Emma, but things are probably not so bad.
You’re probably right that she is sharing stuff with kids from school, but of course there is a danger that on social networking sites she is meeting people pretending to be kids. Have you spoken to her about this?
Tell her to only chat with people she knows, and never to put up personal information on the net like her address or mobile number.
The net is a great tool, but it’s not good to get addicted. Try to interest her in other things, like going out, and get her to talk to you about what she does on the net.
Anyway let me know about how things turn out.